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Happy Mind Expert advice and in-depth features for a happy mind.

Stress Baggage

How a resilient attitude and unloading excess luggage will set you free I have been witness to thousands of my patients struggling with their life stresses. I have seen how my patients’ resilient attitudes help to decrease the heavy weight of
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Understand Your Stress: Keep a Stress Diary

Whether it is a major deadline at work or an argument with your significant other, you are probably very familiar with stress. Stress is part of the human condition. When you encounter a stress trigger, your body’s natural fight-or-flight
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Power Your Brain with Protein in the Morning

You’ve probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should not be skipped -- probably thousands of times, in fact. However, your morning meal is a little more complex than simply eating anything. In order to boot up
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Lose the Stress & Gain Energy

When you are lacking that extra pep in your step, it is tempting to reach for a quick fix to solve your energy woes. But grabbing an espresso or energy drink is just putting a bandaid on the larger problem and leaving you prone to a crash later on.
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Manage Your Time & Control Your Stress

Does it seem like you are always playing catch up?  Obligations multifold.  You are overworked, overtired and unable to unwind.  “Work hard, play hard” is a common maxim that is not literally true often used by those who may be looking to excuse
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“Prevention is better than cure.”
— Desiderius Erasmus
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